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Sapere aude, incipe.

Latin. Dare to be wise, begin it now.

The Paint the World® logo is a symbol that represents the first letters of "Sapere Aude, Incipe." These were the first words of Immanuel Kant's essay: "What is Enlightenment?"and, before that, they were words within philosopher Horace’s book Epistles. Horace wrote: "dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe.” Translated, this means: “He who has begun is half done, dare to know, begin!”

Paint the World™ is not just an art project; It's a project aimed at strategically working to build the creative capacity of and understanding between communities and the world. Creative confidence empowers social progress.

Investing in the arts sector is typically de-prioritized. Although the benefits of doing so are rarely seen in the short-term, the long-term benefits of increasing access to tools for creativity are clear.

It takes wisdom to invest in the long-term. It takes wisdom and courage to prioritize investments you might not reap the benefits of before the deadline for the next quarterly report. Sometimes real impact is nuanced, and not easily measured. But, the impact of the arts sector is clear; you can learn about initiatives dedicated to measuring the social and economic benefits of art and culture here, and a more in-depth paper on the subject here

Paint the World™ founder, Bethany's for-profit venture is

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